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by Lukasz Erecinski


The riddle has been solved by DALTON. I’ll be contacting the winner in the coming days.

Thank you to everyone who played along!

The correct answer is: PINEONE

In the event you’re interested, you can learn more about this and previous riddles here.

It is time for a bit of community fun. Below you’ll find a riddle, or a cypher to be precise, pertaining to the name of our upcoming affordable RISC-V single board computer (SBC) announced in the February community update

The previous riddles were solved in a matter of hours, so I put in a bit more effort into crafting this one.

Correctly deciphering the riddle will reveal the name of the SBC - please enter your answer in the comments section.  Only answers submitted on this blog post will count, as they are time-stamped, which makes it easy to verify who was first. You get bonus points if you explain how you arrived at your answer.

The person to solve the riddle first will win the RISC-V single board computer*.

Latin slant

Under the scorching sun

An old Roman senator sat 

Studying it all 

And slowly came to realize that

He bears witness to the empire’s fall

And so began his intricate plan

For the imminent end

So savage and so cruel        

Was this strive to mend  

It lay waste to the Roman rule

_*****The winner will receive the first production version of the SBC. Prototype devices destined for developers will ship first. _

The Pine Store cannot ship to countries under international embargo (North Korea, Iran, etc.,).

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes (261 words)

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