The latest blog posts from the PINE64 community bringing the latest news.
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Happy New Year! This month we discuss the current state of the PineVox, seeing what the community have been up to with their PineNotes, announcing InfiniTime 1.15 and announcing the end of production of the Pinebook Pro.
In July 2024, PineStore notified the community that a small hardware change was needed on the PineTime: the current flash chip was end of life (EoL) and needed to be replaced by a new one.
This month we are announcing a couple of new products including a SBC and a successor to the PineCube. We have updates to share about the PineNote and the PineDio USB adapter this month along with a talk by one of our community members Dsimic.
A new community update! New hardware to announced and previous hardware to return!
Long awaited community update is here! Introducing PineVox and bone conduction headset (help us find a name!), IronOS progress, PineNote insights, and PineTime news! We also cover cluster failure, state of services, and the future of the community updates. See you in the upcoming Q&A!
We regret to inform you that we are currently experiencing an outage in our main cluster. We are currently actively investigating the cause of this issue. We understand the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience during this time.
We apologize for the lack of regular community updates during the past few months. In short, the people who usually wrote them became very busy. However, we have a new way to write and publish these updates, involving you: the community.
Welcome to our long-awaited community post, where we aim to address the most commonly asked question while also unveiling some more news. Let’s get started! Why hasn’t there been a community update for the past few months?
As it was teased with the March update and the December blog post of last year, there is a community website redesign being worked on. Launched at we’re proud to give a very early insight of what the redesign currently looks like.