The latest blog posts from the PINE64 community bringing the latest news.
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The process of moving our end-user services to the ROCKPro64 cluster will be taking place in the coming days (5-10 June). I am not going to pretend like this is the best time for the move to be taking place, since it is not.
With thousands of Pinebook Pro laptops and PinePhone smartphones shipping in the next days and weeks, I felt that a short introductory blog post aimed at newcomers was in order.
With the PinePhone and Pinebook Pro production well under way and shipping in just a few days time, we’ll now be turning our attention to the other projects we have in the pipeline.
I hope and trust this update finds everyone well. Production in China is picking up pace and we expect to start shipping the Pinebook Pro with Manjaro and PinePhone UBports Community edition next month.
PinePhone UBports Community Edition mock-up; final product may differ in appearance. I am proud to announce that the PinePhone UBports Community Edition is now available for pre-order with an estimated shipping date of late-May, 2020.
COVID-19 recovery in China is underway and factory work is slowly returning back to normal. This is good news, and we hope to have a constant stream of updates for you in the coming weeks.
Nemo Mobile and Ubuntu Touch on the PinePhone at FOSDEM 2020 A lot has happened in the past month. PinePhones have finally begun arriving in the hands of their owners, we had a great showing at FOSDEM, and new hardware was announced.
PINE64 get-together with community devs and partner-projects at FOSDEM 2020 Sorry for the delay in delivering FOSDEM news and announcements to you - I was too occupied with great company, splendid beer and shouting at hundreds of people across our stall table.
I take no pleasure in writing this blog post. In fact, even as I am writing these words I am internally torn on whether this is the right approach to addressing the problem on hand.