PINE64 brand and logo

PINE64 and the PINE64 pinecone logo are trademarked by Pine Store Limited. The trademark extends to the PINE64 brand name in writing, the PINE64 pinecone logo (referred to as logo in the document) and in some instances also to logo derivatives (see section 4).

The brand and logo were first trademarked in 2015 by then Pine Microsystems Inc. Pine Store Ltd. permits the usage of the brand name, the logo and logo derivatives for all non-commercial software endeavours and non-software projects undertaken by PINE64’s Community and community projects (subject to the terms outlined in this document). Pine Store Ltd. may also permit the usage of the logo and branding for commercial software and non-software goods projects upon prior agreement. PINE64 Community also permits the usage of the logo and branding to sponsored projects or community endeavours and affiliate programs (see section 3.1).

We are highly protective of our trademark and copyrights, and will seek any and all legal measures to enforce guidelines contained in this document.

PINE64 pinecone logo with brand name

1. Presentation and typography

The PINE64 project logotype is always capitalised: PINE64 The logotype always uses high tonal contrast, all capital letters and is preceded by the logo. The original logotype uses Arial Std Narrow Regular, but an acceptable and frequently used variant is written in Noto Sans Telugu UI.

The PINE64 logo is a polygon geometric pinecone representation. The original logo uses five shades of blue colour.

PINE64 logo colors in HTML notation, top to bottom:

  • [#52accd]
  • [#2f82c4]
  • [#2969b1]
  • [#3d5c8b]
  • [#475677]

Other variants, including all-white logo and typography on black or transparent background, are in use and permitted for non-commercial usage. Other colour variations are also permitted for non-commercial use. Other variants than the official logotype may be used for commercial use following an inquiry with PINE64 Community representatives and/ or designated Pine Store Ltd. staff members.

1.1. Slogan(s), look and branding

The PINE64 community slogan is “Open. Friendly. Community Driven”. PINE64 hardware packaging uses the tagline “Open Sesame”.

PINE64 uses a distinct brand look which makes use of the original colour scheme of the pine cone logo (see section 1.) in conjunction with black, grey and white as background colours. The distinct look of PINE64 organization’s ( website, the official forum ( and the Pine Store’s ( website is restricted to official PINE64 portals and community services. It may not be copied or imitated by community run services such as forums or websites.

1.2. PINE64 logo kit

We provide a PINE64 logo media kit in .zip format containing a range of acceptable logo variations in SVG file format. The .zip file also contains a READ ME document with detailed information and instructions.

1.3. Branding on devices

We choose to keep PINE64 branding on our devices to a minimum. Our design follows our inherent ideology that devices we sell belong to the end-users, not to us.

A PINE64 pinecone is always printed on the PCB of a single board computer or device, alongside with the hardware’s name and revision number version. The full brand name is never used on our devices.

The PINE64 pinecone is also discreetly placed between the torch and camera on the PinePhone, on the LCD of the PineTab and on the SUPER key on the Pinebook Pro. This minimal branding aesthetic will also be used for future PINE64 hardware.

Packaging of PINE64 devices varies in branding implementation, ranging from plain white boxes from recycled materials to the hallmark “Open Sesame” tagline alongside PINE64 logotype from recycled cardboard. The PinePhone also uses a distinct “PINEPHONE” logotype written in Good Times Regular font.

2. Non-commercial usage

Any and all derivatives of the PINE64 brand name and pinecone logo, including alterations to the original logo per bounds in section 1, are permitted for non-commercial use.

Use of the logo and brand name is permitted in communities or projects, as long as it is clearly denoted that the software, community, portal, website, subreddit, etc., does not belong to and is not administered by PINE64 community nor Pine Store Ltd.

2.1. Examples of appropriate non-commercial usage

  • Including PINE64 logo and brand name in open source software, offered freely and free of charge, written for PINE64 devices
  • Including PINE64 logo and brand name on publicly available 3D files offered freely and free of charge
  • Including PINE64 logo and brand name on software project websites to indicate that software compatibility with PINE64 hardware
  • Including PINE64 logo on community run forums, subreddits, chats, etc.
  • Including PINE64 logo to indicate that software is compatible with PINE64 hardware
  • Any alterations to the logotype for private or community use - for example as freely distributed wallpapers, icons, emotes, etc.
  • Including PINE64 slogan and distinct brand look in freely distributed and royalty free software

2.2. Restrictions to non-commercial usage

The PINE64 logo and logotype may not, under any circumstances, be used or associated with any software or hardware projects not related to PINE64 hardware. Our brand name look and slogan (see section 1.1) are also restricted to use on official PINE64 websites, chats, forums and hardware (but allowed on freely distributed software for PINE64 devices).

We reserve the right to request the PINE64 logo and logotype be removed if a non-profit endeavour or project doesn’t align with our rules and code of conduct. This includes, but is not limited to, any community project, endeavour or piece of software promoting any political, religious or social agendas outside the scope of what our rules and code of conduct guidelines permit.

The PINE64 logo and logotype may not, under any circumstances, be used to mislead existing or prospectus PINE64 community members into believing that software, social media account, community service, website, forum, subreddit, chat, social media account, etc., is representative of or run by official spokespersons of the PINE64 community or the Pine Store Ltd. staff members. The PINE64 logo and brand name may not be used in a way that creates a false impression that a product or business is endorsed, sponsored by or associated with the PINE64 community or Pine Store Ltd.

3. Commercial, affiliate and sponsorship usage

Commercial use of the logo, logotype or brand name, as well as any derivatives or alterade logotypes, is not permitted without prior consent of Pine Store Ltd. This means that any software project, merchandise vendor or community endeavour that seeks to turn a financial profit based on the PINE64 brand name needs to first acquire appropriate consent from Pine Store Ltd.

The logo and logotype are copyrighted. Sale of any merchandise with PINE64 branding is not permitted without an agreement from the Pine Store Ltd. This applies to both goods in physical or digital form.

Projects, events or other engagements sponsored by PINE64 Community need to clearly indicate PINE64’s relation to the sponsorship by proceeding the logotype with text to the effect of “Sponsored by” or placing PINE64 branding in a dedicated “Sponsors” section. See 3.1 for details

We will seek any and all legal measures to enforce compliance with the use of all our copyrights and the PINE64 trademark.

3.1. Commercial and affiliate use or as part of sponsorship

Any use of the PINE64 logo and brand name in digital form should adhere to guidelines in section 1. PINE64 partner projects, business partners, affiliate programs, sponsored programs or events, etc. are welcome to reach out to PINE64 representatives and/ or Pine Store Ltd. staff members for graphical assets (e.g. the logo and logotype) and to consult usage.

Use of the PINE64 logo and branding on physical merchandise, such as T-shirts, hoodies, caps, cups, etc. needs to include a registered trademark symbol ® following the banding.

The PINE64 logo and brand name must appear less prominent than the business’ or project’s logo and brand name. The purpose for using the PINE64 logo or brand name needs to be indicated on a business’ or project’s website. In example, if the purpose of using PINE64 branding is to indicate partnership, then our branding should be preceded by text to the effect of “In partnership with PINE64” or by placing our branding in a dedicated “Partners” section on a website.

In the case of sponsorship, sponsors are asked to include an identification of PINE64’s affinity with the said sponsored project. This includes, but is not limited to, placing PINE64 logo and/ logotype in a “Sponsors” section or being processed by “Sponsored by” to indicate sponsorship.

3.2 Applying for inclusion of branding in commercial application or sponsorship

For business, partnership or sponsorship inquiries please email: Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

3.3 Examples of appropriate commercial, sponsorship or affiliate usage

  • Including PINE64 logo and brand name on a dedicated “sponsors” page or in a designated “sponsors” section of a webpage
  • Including PINE64 logo and brand name on a partner project’s website, with preceding text to the effect of “in partnership with PINE64” or in a designated “partners” section
  • Including PINE64 logo and brand name on physical merchandise with a registered trademark symbol ®
  • Including PINE64 logo on product packaging to indicate compatibility with PINE64 hardware
  • Including PINE64 logo and brand name in paid software and associated promotional materials (e.g. on business’ website), to indicate compatibility with PINE64 hardware
  • Including PINE64 logo as part of promotional materials by partner projects or affiliated businesses upon prior agreement

3.4 Restrictions to commercial usage

No business, sponsored project or affiliate may use the PINE64 logo and logotype to mislead existing or prospectus PINE64 community members into believing that software, community service, social media account, website, forum, subreddit, chat, social media account, etc., is representative of or run by official spokespersons of the PINE64 community or the Pine Store Ltd. staff members. We reserve the right to request a sponsored event, affiliate program, business or partner project to remove PINE64 branding under particular circumstances.

4. Creation of derivative logos and logotypes

Anyone is allowed to create PINE64 derivatives for personal or community usage. This extends to any form of artwork, community-made mockups or any other clearly identifiable community-activity that does not mislead existing or prospectus community members to believe it is PINE64 official material.

Derivatives of the PINE64 logo and banding are permitted for non-commercial usage, granted they do not mislead prospectus or existing PINE64 community members into believing the material is PINE64 sanctioned or issued by PINE64. Derivatives of the logo and branding may not be used in a context that could cause brand damage nor for commercial purposes.

Derivatives of PINE64 branding may still be subject to our copyright and as such need to adhere to restrictions outlined in section 2.2. We may request the removal of PINE64 logo or logotype derivatives if we feel that they are misused, used for commercial purposes or result in damage to our brand name.

We strongly advise anyone willing to create a derivative of our logo or brand name to reach out to a PINE64 Community associate or a Pine Store Ltd. staff member.