PineTime: Datasheets, schematics and certifications
The part number for the SPI FLASH in the schematic diagram is not correct, the PineTime features a larger external FLASH device, see below.
Chip Datasheets
NORDIC nRF52832 information:
ARMv7-M information:
Component Datasheets
PMU (Power Management Unit) information:
- SGMicro SGM40561 Single Cell Charger Datasheet
- SGMicro SGM2036 3.3V Low Power Low Dropout RF Linear Regulator Datasheet
SPI Flash information:
- XTX XT25F32B 32Mb(4MB) SPI NOR Flash (data sheets for this part are hard to find but it acts similar to other QuadSPI SPI NOR Flash such as Macronix 32Mb(4MB) SPI NOR Flash)
- XTX XT25F32B
- IDs for XT25F32B are: manufacturer (0x0b), device (0x15), memory type (0x40), density (0x16)
LCD Panel:
Touchpad information:
- Touchpad Specification for PineTimel
- 11.6" Hynitron CST816S Capacitive Touch Controller Datasheet in Chinese
- Touch Controller Datasheet en
- BOSCH BMA425 Triaxial Acceleration Sensor Datasheet on current PineTime device
- BOSCH BMA421 Triaxial Acceleration Sensor Product Brief on early PineTime device
- TianYiHeXin HRS3300 PPG Heart Rate Sensor Data Sheet