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Pinecil: Development projects

AuthorProject HomepageDescriptionSupported
Ben Brown (ralimtek)Ralim’s IronOSOfficial Pinecil firmwareBL706, GD32VF103TB, Stm32f103
Marek Kraus gamiee/gamelasterBlisp V2 FlasherCLI Updater for Pinecil V2, BL70x MCUWindows, Linux, Mac
Marek Kraus gamiee/gamelasterPinecil V1 FlasherPinecil V1 GUI UpdaterWindows, Mac
Arkaitz Goni Hedger spagett1PineFlashPinecil V1 GUI UpdaterLinux, Mac
Builder555BLE PineSAMBluetooth LE Settings & temperature control from any browserCross-platform, runs local script to control Pinecil from PC or phone.
Joric (iamjoric)BLE browser APIBluetooth LE GraphWindows, Linux, Android browsers that support BLE GATT
Tom W (TomW1605) & ithinkidoBLE V2 + ESP32Bluetooth LE V2 data => ESP32 BLE+Wifi => Home Assist displayCross Platform
Bouffalo LabB-Lab Dev CubeMCU vendor GUI for DevBL70x, BL60x, others (does not work for Pinecil V2)
Alvin WongRust code on GD32VF103Rust code demos for Pinecil V1GD32VF103TB


Bluetooth (BLE) apps require upgrading Pinecil V2 to IronOS 2.21 or newer firmware here.