- The linux-rockchip mailing list archives
- linux-rockchip patchwork
- neggles / neg2led’s mainline kernel repository with patches picked from the mailing list
- Sebastian Reichel’s (SRE) rk3588 branch
- Rockchip BSP kernel tree
- Collabora RK3588 integration branch
- Collabora Mainline Status Table
- Radxa kernel tree, for reference, a lot is happening here
- The quartz64 and quartz-dev channels on the PINE64 chats (bridged IRC, Matrix, Discord and Telegram)
- PINE64 rkdeveloptool fork
- CounterPillow’s uboot-qp64 repository, used with the official rkbin repository
- Rockchip OpenSource wiki
- rockchiprs (rkdeveloptool replacement written in Rust)
The documentation for the QuartzPro64 board and most of the documentation for the chips it uses hasn’t been publicly released yet, but if you do own a QuartzPro64 board, the users CounterPillow and Dsimic will happily provide the documentation to you for the research or development purposes, if you ask them in the PINE64 chat channels. We’ve got the following documents, some of which can also be found elsewhere on the Internet rather easily:
- RK3588 datasheet
- RK3588 technical reference manual (TRM), parts 1 and 2
- RK3588 hardware design guide, machine translated to English from Chinese, and the original version in Chinese
- RK860 datasheet, including register descriptions
- RK806 datasheet, including register descriptions
- QuartzPro64 schematics
- QuartzPro64 PCB top layout
- QuartzPro64 PCB bottom layout
- AMPAK-Tech AP6275PR3 (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module) datasheet
- AMPAK AP6275P (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module) datasheet