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S02E09: Gaming on Pine64 is a Thing
Zed the editor and Porky explore the world of Linux and Open Source gaming. Porky also talks about why he won’t be getting a Steam Deck afterall…
All episodes

S02E01: Season 2 Introductions
Sep 17, 2021
The first episode of the new Pinetalk show with Brian and Justin! We go into the new structure for the show, such as the introduction of two monthly releases. We’re sure you have feedback for us, and we know there’s lots of room to improve! Stay tuned!

S01E13: 13th of July
Jul 16, 2021
In the thirteen episode Peter and Ezra discuss the PINE64 July Community Update and go through more Community Questions than ever before! There’s also something fun and it ends with a bang!

S01E12: Privacy and Security with RTP
Jul 4, 2021
In the twelfth episode Ezra and Peter discuss some Community news and interview content creator RTP, who is all about privacy and security. They also discuss (your) community feedback and questions!

S01E11: Lounging with Linux Lounge
Jun 18, 2021
In this eleventh episode Ezra and Peter discuss the June Community Update and interview content creator Linux Lounge and they also discuss (your) community feedback and questions!