S01E02: New Accessories and UBports with Dalton Durst

In the second episode of the PineTalk Ezra and Peter talk about to Dalton Durst, Development Manager at UBports, about Ubuntu Touch in general and on the PinePhone more specifically. They also discuss the announcment of the ‘End of Community Editions’ and answer awesome community questions.

What have we been up to lately?


Interview with Dalton Durst (Development manager at UBports)

PINE64 Community News

New Products (if any)

Your feedback and questions

Due to time contraints, we could only tackle a few of your questions - please keep them coming. We might answer your question in the next episode!

  • Orli on the future of Linux Phones
  • Odineee: On the impact of NVidiaā€™s purchase of ARM on PINE64 and about future Risc-V products

The Podcast is in progress of being listed in all the directories you suggested - unfortunately itā€™s really hard to get that done with some directories, which is why we canā€™t report full success yet.

This episode also features chapter markers, a feature that allows you to skip topics you are not that interested in.

Remember: This is a community podcast, so please leave feedback on what we should do better, get your suggestionā€™s in and feel free to ask questions!

You can join the Discord channel “Pinetalk-Podcast” on PINE64ā€™s discord, you can send us an email at pinetalk@pine64.org and tweet at us, weā€™re @talkpine.

Thank you to NerdZoom Media for being our audio producers!